Each of these 3 skills converts one resource into another. Drag the “Health to Mana”, “Mana to Stamina”, and “Stamina to Health” onto a slot on the left radial wheel. I personally put them on the left radial wheel along with a couple of combat skills (2 of which are bound to Q and E). Each class gets these skills and they are VERY important. The skills at the bottom are called “Common Skills”. Now that your combat skills are on your radial wheel, hold TAB again and take look at the bottom of the screen. When dragging your skills onto your radial wheels keep in mind that you will be obtaining 3 additional skills, 1 PER role, and 1 ultimate for your primary role.so make some space for 3 extra skills.ġG. The brighly glowing ones are NOT active skills and do not need to be dragged onto the radial wheel. Each role starts with 6 skills, 3 for each school. Those are the abilities you currently own. Hold TAB and look at the top of your screen. Now that you are done with binding let’s place some skills on the radial wheel. These keys will be used to quickly swap between equipment (covered in section 1H).ġF.
Look for “Activate Quick Item 1-8” Feel free to bind this to the F1-F8 keys if you want, by default they are on the number pad.if you prefer them that way just leave them on the default keys. I play a Skirmisher, and as a Skirmisher I have 2 very important escape abilities that I must use quickly in order to avoid a quick death, I bound those 2 abilities to Q and E.ġE. By default the Q and E keys switch which radial wheel you are currently controlling, and the whole point of rebinding these keys is to remove the need to do that, so the Q and E keys can be used for something else. I use the 6 buttons on my Razer Naga Hex + the Q and E keys. Now you can bind the 8 “Select Left Radial Slot” bindings to the buttons on your mouse. Ok let’s start with the Right Radial Slot bindings.bind all of those to their corresponding number on the keyboard, for instance - “Select Right Radial Slot 1” should be bound to the number 1 on your keyboard, do that for the remaining 7 ones.ġD. Now I hope you’ve got yourself a good gaming mouse with some programmable keys on the side because you're going to need/want them. Look for the bindings called “Select Left/Right Radial Slot 1-8” NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH “Select Radial Slot 1-8”. Personally.I think that’s a terrible system that will only hinder you in combat.here’s what I did to alter it. You see those 2 little radial wheels down at the bottom of your screen? You switch which one you are currently controlling by hitting Q and E. Notice the 3 little bubbles at the top right? Those are profiles which allow you to setup 3 entirely different keybinding lists, so pick one or use the default one.ġC. On the left column hit the last button called “Input Binding Options”.ġB. If you don’t like what you have after we are done you can reset it with the push of a button (I will show you how). So I just finished the tutorial zone and reached the first safe zone, what now?īefore we get out in the world to start out killing, gathering, and crafting, we are going take some time to customize the game’s bindings to make them just a little more bearable.ġA.