Steve randle the outsiders
Steve randle the outsiders

“Because I don’t like guys like you.” You whispered in his ear. “Yes to the first and no to the second.” You said and slid him a beer. You looked up and your E/C eyes met the mesmerizing ones of Dallas Winston. Can I get a beer and a date?” You groaned as soon as you heard the familiar voice you had grown to dread. You worked at a bar and this lead you not like Dally because every night he would come in and hit on thousands of different girls, in the same night. “Didn’t you hear? Opposites attract.” He whispered in your ear sending shivers down your spine, and that was when he kissed you. The complete opposite of how you act around me and you even said you hated the way I was. “But I’m fun, and loud and irresponsible, and childish. “There was a reason! I don’t like him saying stuff like that to you because I like you!” He yelled back. It wasn’t making me or anyone else - but you - uncomfortable so there was no reason to snap.” He’s a teenage boy he’s going to be childish and inappropriate. “Yeah, well he was being inappropriate and childish.” Darry shouted “You know he was just joking around, you didn’t have to snap at him.” You shot at Darry. Soda went to get dressed and the rest of the boys stayed quiet due Darry’s outburst. “E"Soda, go and put on some clothes and leave Y/N alone.” Darry snapped being the usual spoil sport he always was. “Oh come on Y/N you know you want me.” He chuckled, joking around. As if he timed it, the bathroom door opened and out walked Soda in nothing but a towel. “Hey Steve, where’s Soda?” You asked your best friend, noticing your other best friend was missing. “Hey guys.” You said as you enter the Curtis household. You were best friends with Sodapop but you disliked Darry because you thought he was to serious and boring. “Oh.” Is all you say before you crash your lips on his. “Because I like you.” He whispered, looking at you for any sign of disgust on your face. “Why would you want to be around me?” You asked staring at him like he’s crazy. “I ask you for help so I get to talk to you and be around you more. You make it seem like I’m incapable of doing anything for myself, and I hate it because I’ve always been independent.” You explained sheepishly. “Well yes, but you asking me for help isn’t what makes a jerk, it’s just you act as if I can’t fix a car by myself because it’s every time I do something. “You hate me because I want to help you?” He asked sounding amused. I hate you because you always make me feel incompetent by asking if I need help on a car.” You sighed again. “It’s not so much hate as very strongly disli-.Oh, ok I hate you. You sighed not really wanting to get into this today. “Why do you hate me so much?” He asked sounding genuinely a little hurt. Steve was constantly having to prevent the pair of you from throttling each other. “No thank you Sodapop, I’m perfectly capable of fixing it myself!” You said shortly, not in the mood to have another argument with Soda. Rolling your eyes, you slid out from underneath the car to reply. “Hey doll, do you want any help with that?” You heard Sodapop yell from the other side of the garage. Your dislike of Sodapop occurred because he always asked you if you needed help when you were working on a car and acted as if women couldn’t fix cars and only men could. I think some readers are unhappy with the way The Outsiders was edited, and there are parts we shot I wish were in the final version, but it is a very faithful adaptation.You worked at the DX alongside Soda and Steve. I was sort of a greaser den-mother - I still miss my boys. The Outsiders was a lot of fun to shoot because of the cast, who were ordinary, goofy, sweet teen-agers off-camera and serous artists in front of it. I couldn't have asked for better actors for the parts, and couldn't have had nicer people to work with.


The Outsiders was my second movie - what a cast! Producer - Fred Roos and Gray Frederickson

Steve randle the outsiders